oracle表空间的创建及dmp 文件的导入(推荐)
--用oracle系统权限的账号 登陆
-- 1.创建用户 create user u_name identified by "u_password"; --2.赋予权限 grant dba, resource, connect to u_name; grant create session to u_name; grant create table to u_name; grant create view to u_name; grant create tablespace to u_name; grant unlimited tablespace to u_name; grant select any table to u_name; grant select any dictionary to u_name; --3.创建目录 dictionary create directory directory_name as 'D:\oracleEnv\Oracle\product\11.2.0\db\backup'; --路径可以自己指定 --4.赋予目录权限 GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY directory_name TO u_name; --5.创建表空间 create tablespace table_space_name datafile 'D:\oracleEnv\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\table_space_name.DBF' size 2500M autoextend on next 500M maxsize 12000M; --6.修改表空间配置 ALTER USER table_space_name DEFAULT TABLESPACE u_name; --8.查看表空间 select tablespace_name , file_id,bytes from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='my_table_space_name'; -- 9.导入数据 -简单版 impdp u_name/u_password@ORCL dumpfile=file_path full=y table_exists_action=replace --常用版 impdp u_name/u_password@ip_address/space_name directory=my_director full=y dumpfile=my_dmp_file.DMP logfile=my_dmp_file.log table_exists_action=replace; --高级版 impdp u_name/u_password@ip_address/space_name directory=my_director full=y dumpfile=my_dmp_file.DMP logfile=my_dmp_file.log [remap_schema=user_1:user_2] [remap_tablespace =table_space_1:table_space_2] [table_exists_action=replace]
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