Oracle中自连接和case when,decode的应用


sql@kokooa>select * from test026;

ID NAME                 SUBJECT                   SCORE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

1 jim                  语文                         88

1 jim                  数学                         84

1 jim                  英语                         90

2 kate                 语文                         86

2 kate                 数学                         76

2 kate                 英语                         96


学生编号 学生姓名   语文 数学 英语


1.自连接:(这是自连接很典型的用处 应当熟练掌握)

sql@kokooa> select,,a.score as "语文",b.score as "数学",c.score as "英语"

2   from test026 a,test026 b,test026 c

3   where and a.subject='语文' and b.subject='数学'

4   and and c.subject='英语';

ID NAME                       语文       数学       英语

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 jim                            88         84         90

2 kate                         86         76         96

2 使用case when

sql@kokooa>select id,name,

2 sum(case when subject='语文' then score end) as "语文",

3 sum(case when subject='数学' then score end) as "数学",

4 sum(case when subject='英语' then score end) as "英语"

5   from test026

6 group by id,name

7 /

ID NAME                       语文       数学       英语

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 jim                           88         84         90

2 kate                         86         76         96

3 decode

1 select max(id) as id,name,

2 max(decode(subject,'数学',score)) as "数学",

3 max(decode(subject,'语文',score)) as "语文",

4 max(decode(subject,'英语',score)) as "英语"

5 from test026

6* group by name


ID NAME                       数学       语文       英语

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 jim                          84         88         90

2 kate                         76         86         96
