2007年工作总结之-xx省UNICOM dxt互通短信网关系统SMSC
系统采用spring进行ioc配置,h2内存数据库,数据库访问采用spring jdbc,基于多线程和Socket编程。
while (keepRunning) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("- 1 start listener"); System.out.println("- 2 stop listener"); System.out.println("- 3 client"); System.out.println("- 4 start deliverMessage"); System.out.println("- 5 stop deliverMessage"); System.out.println("- 0 exit"); System.out.print("> "); optionInt = -1; try { option = keyboard.readLine(); optionInt = Integer.parseInt(option); } catch (Exception e) { optionInt = -1; } switch (optionInt) { case 1: startlistener(); break; case 2: stoplistener(); break; case 3: listclienter(); break; case 4: startdeliverMessage(); break; case 5: stopdeliverMessage();
public synchronized void start() throws IOException { debug.write("going to start SMSCListener on port " + port); if (!isReceiving) { serverConn = new com.logica.smpp.TCPIPConnection(port); serverConn.setReceiveTimeout(getAcceptTimeout()); serverConn.open(); keepReceiving = true; if (asynchronous) { debug.write("starting listener in separate thread."); Thread serverThread = new Thread(this); serverThread.start(); debug.write("listener started in separate thread."); } else { debug.write("going to listen in the context of current thread."); run(); } } else { debug.write("already receiving, not starting the listener."); } }
try { Connection connection = null; serverConn.setReceiveTimeout(getAcceptTimeout()); connection = serverConn.accept(); if (connection != null) { SMSCSession session = new SMSCSession(connection); session.setHashSet(hashSet); Thread thread = new Thread(session); thread.start(); sessionFactory.register(session); debug.write("SMSCListener launched a session on the accepted connection."); } else { debug.write("no connection accepted this time."); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { debug.write("InterruptedIOException accepting, timeout? -> " + e); } catch (IOException e) { event.write(e, "IOException accepting connection"); keepReceiving = false; }
if (calendar.getTimeInMillis() < (enquire_LinkTime + enquire_LinkTimeout * 1000)) { //判断是否连接超时 try { debug.write("SMSCSession going to receive a PDU"); pdu = receiver.receive(getReceiveTimeout()); } catch (Exception e) { debug .write("SMSCSession caught exception receiving PDU " + e.getMessage()); } if (pdu != null) { if (pdu.isRequest()) { debug.write("SMSCSession got request " + pdu.debugString()); requestWorker.clientRequest((Request) pdu); } else if (pdu.isResponse()) { debug.write("SMSCSession got response " + pdu.debugString()); requestWorker.clientResponse((Response) pdu); } else { debug .write("SMSCSession not reqest nor response => not doing anything."); } } }else { keepReceiving=false; }
// TODO 根据业务规则进行用户合法性验证 commandStatus = checkIdentity((BindRequest) request); if (commandStatus == 0) { // authenticated System.out.println(request.debugString()); BindResponse bindResponse = (BindResponse) request .getResponse(); serverResponse(bindResponse); // success => bound bound = true; } else { // system id not authenticated // get the response response = request.getResponse(); // set it the error command status response.setCommandStatus(commandStatus); // and send it to the client via serverResponse serverResponse(response); // bind failed, stopping the session session.stop(); }
if (isOutTime(sendsm.getDealTime())) {// dealTime如果没有填写,此时永远处理不到 sendsm.setState(SendSM.STATE_SMSC_FAIL); reportFailQueue.put(sendsm, 100); //分类保存 if (sendsm.getMessageType() == SendSM.MESSAGETYPE_CORP) { reportQueue.put(sendsm, 100); } else if (sendsm.getMessageType() == SendSM.MESSAGETYPE_CLIENT) { reportQueue_P.put(sendsm, 100); } } else { // 重新压回接收队列 deliverQueue.put(sendsm, 100); }
while (list != null && list.size() > 0) { try { sendsm = list.remove(list.size() - 1); if (sendsm != null) { deliverSM = this.convertSendsm(sendsm); } else { deliverSM = null; } if (deliverSM != null) { if (session.send(deliverSM)) { SMSCLog.SendLog(deliverSM); sendsm.setSequenceNumber(String .valueOf(deliverSM .getSequenceNumber())); sendsm.setDealTime(DataFormat.yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss .format(new Date())); deliverQueue.put(sendsm, 1000); } } Thread.sleep(intervalTime); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
SaveService:基于spring jdbc实现的批量取出消息和批量保存的DAO实现。
count = saveQueue.drainTo(list, batchSize); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("get element count["+count+"] from saveQeueue."); } if (count > 0) { int total = batchSave.batachSave(list); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Save ["+total+"] records."); } } if (count < batchSize) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("sleep "+sleepTime); } //小于0, 休眠 Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } else { Thread.yield(); //让其他程序有机会运行 }
因为时间比较紧,系统是在logica smsc的基础修改完成的,本人1周完成。主是加入了业务所需要的东西。因涉及非技术问题,此处只取了一部份代码。
现在这个系统已上线,到目前为止已正常运行2个月,从未出现过大问题。运行平台为redhat enterprise 4。