''' pygame.mouse.get_pressed - get the state of the mouse buttons get the state of the mouse buttons pygame.mouse.get_pos - get the mouse cursor position get the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.get_rel - get the amount of mouse movement get the amount of mouse movement pygame.mouse.set_pos - set the mouse cursor position set the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_visible - hide or show the mouse cursor hide or show the mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_focused - check if the display is receiving mouse input check if the display is receiving mouse input pygame.mouse.set_cursor - set the image for the system mouse cursor set the image for the system mouse cursor pygame.mouse.get_cursor - get the image for the system mouse cursor get the image for the system mouse cursor '''
#pygame mouse import os, pygame from pygame.locals import * from sys import exit from random import * __author__ = {'name' : 'Hongten', 'mail' : '[email protected]', 'Version' : '1.0'} if not pygame.font:print('Warning, Can not found font!') pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((255, 255), 0, 32) screen.fill((255,255,255)) font = pygame.font.Font('data\\font\\TORK____.ttf', 20) text = font.render('Cliked Me please!!!', True, (34, 252, 43)) mouse_x, mouse_y = 0, 0 while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() for index in range(len(pressed_array)): if pressed_array[index]: if index == 0: print('Pressed LEFT Button!') elif index == 1: print('The mouse wheel Pressed!') elif index == 2: print('Pressed RIGHT Button!') elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: #return the X and Y position of the mouse cursor pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_x = pos[0] mouse_y = pos[1] screen.fill((mouse_x, mouse_y, 0)) screen.blit(text, (40, 100)) pygame.display.update()
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