CentOS 6.0下搭建LAMP环境
1、配置好ip dns 网关,确保使用远程连接工具能够连接服务器
vi /etc/selinux/config 把SELINUXTYPE=targeted注释掉,然后新加一行为:SELINUX=disabled
3、开启防火墙相应端口,apache需要开启80端口 MySQL需要开启3306端口
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT #(允许80端口通过防火墙)
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT #(允许3306端口通过防火墙)
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
1.安装MySQL 5.0
yum install mysql mysql-server |
chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on /etc/init.d/mysqld start |
为MySQL root帐户设置密码:
mysql_secure_installation |
[root@server1 ~]# mysql_secure_installation NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MySQL In order to log into MySQL to secure it, we’ll need the current Enter current password for root (enter for none): Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MySQL Set root password? [Y/n] <– 回车 By default, a MySQL installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] <– 回车 Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from ’localhost’. This Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] <–回车 By default, MySQL comes with a database named ’test’ that anyone can Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] <– 回车 Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] <– 回车 Cleaning up… All done! If you’ve completed all of the above steps, your MySQL Thanks for using MySQL! [root@server1 ~]# |