Python Lambda
Python Lambda
Python lambda:
- an expression form that generates function objects.
- anonymous (i.e., unnamed) function
lambda is designed for coding simple functions
def handles larger tasks
'''lambda Basics''' # ------- lambda expression ------- # f = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z # returns a function that can optionally be assigned a name # ------- def statements ------- # def func(x, y, z): # always assigns the new function to the name automatically return x + y + z print(func(2, 3, 4) == f(2, 3, 4)) '''Why Use lambda?''' # ------- lambda expression ------- # # provide code proximity: if only be used in a single context and not used anywhere else # stuff small pieces of executable code into places where statements are illegal syntactically L1 = [lambda x: x ** 2, # inline function definition lambda x: x ** 3, lambda x: x ** 4] # a list of three callable functions for f in L1: print(f(2)) # prints 4, 8, 16 print(L1[0](3)) # prints 9 # ------- def statements ------- # def func1(x): return x ** 2 # define named functions def func2(x): return x ** 3 # function definitions outside the context of intended use (which might be hundreds of lines away) def func3(x): return x ** 4 L2 = [func1, func2, func3] # reference by name for f in L2: print(f(2)) # prints 4, 8, 16 print(L2[0](3)) # prints 9
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