
以下介绍在CentOS 7下安装vncserver并使用vnc-viewer进行登录(使用root权限):

1、运行命令yum install tigervnc-server安装vncserver;

2、运行命令yum install vnc安装vnc;//感觉不安装也可以,安装一下也很快,不要在意这些细节

3、运行命令yum groupinstall "X Window System"安装X-Window;//之前安装发现经常无法启动vncserver,后面通过网上查资料介绍可以安装X-Window解决这个 问题

4、安装中文字符以解决界面中文乱码的问题:yum install dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts、yum groupinstall "Fonts" -y

5、禁用防火墙,如果已经禁用防火墙可以跳过这一步:systemctl stop firewalld.service、systemctl disable firewalld.service

[root@localhost ~]# cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
[root@localhost ~]# vi /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
# The vncserver service unit file
# Quick HowTo:
# 1. Copy this file to /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@.service
# 2. Replace <USER> with the actual user name and edit vncserver
# parameters appropriately
# ("User=<USER>" and "/home/<USER>/.vnc/%H%i.pid")
# 3. Run `systemctl daemon-reload`
# 4. Run `systemctl enable vncserver@:<display>.service`
# DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
# untrusted! For a secure way of using VNC, you should
# limit connections to the local host and then tunnel from
# the machine you want to view VNC on (host A) to the machine
# whose VNC output you want to view (host B)
# [user@hostA ~]$ ssh -v -C -L 590N:localhost:590M hostB
# this will open a connection on port 590N of your hostA to hostB's port 590M
# (in fact, it ssh-connects to hostB and then connects to localhost (on hostB).
# See the ssh man page for details on port forwarding)
# You can then point a VNC client on hostA at vncdisplay N of localhost and with
# the help of ssh, you end up seeing what hostB makes available on port 590M
# Use "-nolisten tcp" to prevent X connections to your VNC server via TCP.
# Use "-localhost" to prevent remote VNC clients connecting except when
# doing so through a secure tunnel. See the "-via" option in the
# `man vncviewer' manual page.


Description=Remote desktop service (VNC)
After=syslog.target network.target


# Clean any existing files in /tmp/.X11-unix environment
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver %i
ExecStop=-/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i


7、运行命令systemctl daemon-reload更新systemctl;

8、运行命令vncpasswd root设置vncserver的密码;

9、运行命令systemctl start vncserver@:1.service(可以运行systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service命令设置为默认启动服务);//启动不了则重启一下系统或则查看启动日志

