懒加载-- 端对端分享功能 --微信钉钉
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- 项目前端与后端紧耦合,分享信息 放在jsp里,例如:
<script> window.$shareInformation = { title: '....', desc: '.....', link: '.....', } </script>
3.每次都需要 引入 钉钉 和 微信 分享的 sdk js 感觉浪费流量,而且 影响页面加载速度, 这个两个js都需要同时引入。
对以上问题解决方案,我采用: 端对端懒加载 不同平台的 sdk, 分享逻辑 统一由后端控制 即 页面里 只需要引入一个js脚本。
// data-ajax 放置获取分享信息 ajax的入参 //data-exclud 排除 不需要 那种分享 <script src="/js/share.js" data-ajax="{'a': '1', 'b': '2'}" data-exclud="['wx', 'dd']" data-slector="share"></script>
var noop = function() {}; var hasOwnP = function(obj, prop) { return Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }; var toString = function(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); }; var isHardVar = function(obj) { var result = toString(obj); return result === '[object Object]' || result === '[object Array]'; } var merge = function() { var lg = arguments.length; var result = {}; if (lg < 2) { return arguments[0] }; for (var i = 0; i < lg; i++) { for (var key in arguments[i]) { console.log(hasOwnP(arguments[i], key), key); if (hasOwnP(arguments[i], key)) { var value = arguments[i][key]; result[key] = value; } } } return result; };
对异步处理 自己模拟的promise实现
var JcPromise = (function() { function JcPromise(fn) { fn = fn || noop; var statusList = ['start', 'pending', 'succeed', 'err']; var cbStatus = [0, 1]; var status = statusList[0]; var data = null; var err = null; var that = this; var successFn = []; var errFn = []; function resolve(d) { data = d; that._changeStatus(2); }; function reject(e) { err = e; that._changeStatus(3); }; this.getData = function() { return data; }; this.getErr = function() { return err }; this.getStatus = function() { return status }; this._changeStatus = function(idx) { switch (status) { case statusList[2]: case statusList[3]: { return false } }; status = statusList[idx]; if (status === statusList[3]) { setTimeout(function() { that._triggerCatch(); }, 0) } if (status === statusList[2]) { setTimeout(function() { that._triggerThen(); }, 0) } }; this._pushThenCb = function(cb) { successFn.push({ status: cbStatus[0], cb: cb }); if (status === statusList[2]) { this._triggerThen(); } }; this._pushCatchCb = function(cb) { errFn.push({ status: cbStatus[0], cb: cb }); if (status === statusList[3]) { this._triggerCatch(); } }; this._triggerThen = function() { successFn.map(function(item) { if (item.status === cbStatus[0]) { item.cb(data); item.status = cbStatus[1]; } }) }; this._triggerCatch = function() { errFn.map(function(item) { if (item.status === cbStatus[0]) { item.cb(err); item.status = cbStatus[1]; } }) }; this._changeStatus(1); this.uuid = uuid++; try { fn(resolve, reject); } catch (e) { reject(e) } return this }; JcPromise.fn = JcPromise.prototype; // 返回一个promise JcPromise.fn.then = function(cb) { var promiseR = null; var promiseJ = null; var result = null; var that = this; var fn = function() { setTimeout(function() { try { var data = that.getData(); result = cb(data); if (typeof result === 'object' && result !== null && result.constructor === JcPromise) { result.then(function(data) { promiseR(data) }).catch(function(e) { promiseJ(e) }) } else { promiseR(result) } } catch (e) { promiseJ(e) } }, 0); }; this._pushThenCb(fn); // 触发promise return new JcPromise(function(r, j) { promiseR = r; promiseJ = j; }); }; // 返回一个promise JcPromise.fn.catch = function(cb) { var promiseR = null; var promiseJ = null; var result = null; var that = this; var fn = function() { setTimeout(function() { try { var data = that.getErr(); result = cb(data); if (typeof result === 'object' && result !== null && result.constructor === JcPromise) { result.then(function(data) { promiseR(data) }).catch(function(e) { promiseJ(e) }) } else { promiseR(result) } } catch (e) { promiseJ(e) } }, 0) }; this._pushCatchCb(fn); // 触发promise return new JcPromise(function(r, j) { promiseR = r; promiseJ = j; }); }; return JcPromise })();
function loadScript(src) { return new JcPromise(function(r, j) { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.onload = function() { r(el); }; el.onerror = function() { j(); }; el.src = src; document.body.appendChild(el); }); };
判断 是钉
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