use script settdb.sh for DB login details registry
#!/bin/bash tmp_username=$SH_USERNAME tmp_password=$SH_PASSWORD tmp_db_sid=$SH_DB_SID #check $1 and $2 should be mandatory from input if [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ -z $2 ]]; then echo '***********************************************' echo 'WARNING :UserName And PassWord Is Needed!' echo '***********************************************' exit fi if [[ -z $3 ]] && [[ -z $ORACLE_SID ]];then echo '***********************************************' echo 'WARNING :There is Instance can be used !' echo '***********************************************' exit fi SH_USERNAME=`echo "$1"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` SH_PASSWORD=$2 echo '***********************************************' if [[ -z $3 ]] then SH_DB_SID=$ORACLE_SID echo 'Using Default Instance :'$ORACLE_SID echo . else SH_DB_SID=`echo "$3"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` fi if [[ $SH_DB_SID = $tmp_db_sid ]] && [[ $SH_USERNAME = $tmp_username ]] && [[ $SH_PASSWORD = $tmp_password ]];then echo 'Instance '$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected' echo '***********************************************' exit fi export SH_USERNAME=$SH_USERNAME export SH_DB_SID=$SH_DB_SID export SH_PASSWORD=$SH_PASSWORD export DB_CONN_STR=$SH_USERNAME/$SH_PASSWORD #echo $DB_CONN_STR listfile=`pwd`/listdb Num=`echo show user | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID| grep -i 'USER ' | wc -l` if [ $Num -gt 0 ] then ## ok - instance is up echo 'Instance '$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected' echo -e '--' `date`'-- \n--'$SH_USERNAME@$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected --\n' >> listdb echo '***********************************************' echo 'Initalize DB login details registry OK!' echo 'Now you can Execution script~' echo '***********************************************' $SHELL else ## inst is inaccessible echo Instance: $SH_DB_SID Is Invalid Or UserName/PassWord Is Wrong echo '***********************************************' exit fi del_length=3 tmp_txt=$(sed -n '$=' listdb) echo '***********************************************' echo '********* ' $SH_USERNAME'@'$SH_DB_SID '**********' echo '***********************************************' curr_len=`cat $listfile|wc -l` if [ $curr_len -gt $del_length ]; then echo ' There Are Below Sessions Still Alive ' echo '***********************************************' fi sed $((${tmp_txt}-${del_length}+1)),${tmp_txt}d $listfile | tee tmp_listfile mv tmp_listfile $listfile
./settdb.sh 用户名 用户密码
#!/bin/bash echo "=================================================查看数据库进程spid:$1的相关信息=====================================================" if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "no process has provided!" exit 0 fi sh_tmp_process=`sqlplus -silent $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<END set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading on echo off select addr from v\\$process where spid=$1; exit; END` if [ -z "$sh_tmp_process" ]; then echo "no process exists or session is not from a DB account" echo echo "####### Process Information from OS level as below ########" ps -ef|grep $1|grep -v "grep"|grep ora echo "##############################################" exit 0 else echo '*******************************************' echo "Process has found, pid: $1 , addr: $sh_tmp_process " echo echo "####### Process Information from OS level as below ########" ps -ef|grep $1|grep -v grep|grep ora echo "##############################################" sqlplus -s $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<EOF col machine format a20 col terminal format a15 col osuser format a15 col process format a10 col username format a15 set linesize 1000 pagesize 500 col type format a15 col login_time format a20 select sid,serial#,username,osuser ,machine,process,terminal,type,to_char(LOGON_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')login_time from v\$session where paddr='$sh_tmp_process'; prompt . col sql_id format a30 col prev_sql_id format a30 col sql_text format a60 set linesize 150 set pages 50 select sql_id,sql_text from v\$sql where sql_id in (select sql_id from v\$session where paddr='$sh_tmp_process' and sql_id is not null ) and rownum <2;select sql_id prev_sql_id ,sql_text from v\$sql where sql_id in (select prev_sql_id sql_id from v\$session where paddr='$sh_tmp_process' ) and rown um<2;EOF fi
输出:./showpid.sh 数据库进程ID
#!/bin/bash echo "=======================================查看数据库用户$1的存储过程信息==========================================" PROC_OWNER=`sqlplus -silent $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<END set pagesize 100 feedback off verify off heading on echo off col owner format a15 col object_name format a30 col object_type format a20 col parallel format a10 col interface format a10 col aggregate format a10 col pipelined format a10 col deterministic format a10 col authid format a10 set linesize 1000 select owner, object_name,object_id,object_type,aggregate,pipelined,parallel,interface,deterministic,authid from dba_procedures where owner=upper('$1') and object_type='PROCEDURE' / exit; END` if [ -z "$PROC_OWNER" ]; then echo "no object exists, please check again" exit 0 else echo '*******************************************' echo " $PROC_OWNER " echo '*******************************************' fi #sqlplus -silent $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<EOF #prompt . #set long 99999 #set pages 0 #select text #from dba_source #where type='PROCEDURE' and owner=upper('$1') #order by line; #EOF exit
输出:./showproc.sh rfuser
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