HBASE 代码阅读笔记-1 - PUT操作客户端主流程(基于0.96.0-hadoop2)
public void flushCommits() throws InterruptedIOException, RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException { // We're looping, as if one region is overloaded we keep its operations in the buffer. // As we can have an operation in progress even if the buffer is empty, we call // backgroundFlushCommits at least one time. do { backgroundFlushCommits(true); } while (!writeAsyncBuffer.isEmpty()); }
private void doPut(Put put) throws InterruptedIOException, RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException { if (ap.hasError()){ backgroundFlushCommits(true); } validatePut(put); currentWriteBufferSize += put.heapSize(); writeAsyncBuffer.add(put); while (currentWriteBufferSize > writeBufferSize) { backgroundFlushCommits(false); }变化真大啊,原来42行代码一下只有这么点了,以前核心功能由
connection.processBatch(writeBuffer, tableName, pool, results);完成,这里变成了循环。以前还会检查并保存执行失败的操作返回到缓存列表中,这里第一眼是看不到这些了。看看backgroundFlushCommits 卖的是神马药。
private void backgroundFlushCommits(boolean synchronous) throws InterruptedIOException, RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException { try { // If there is an error on the operations in progress, we don't add new operations. if (writeAsyncBuffer.size() > 0 && !ap.hasError()) { ap.submit(writeAsyncBuffer, true);//如果任务队列没有清空,并且异步执行器没有问题,则执行提交操作 } if (synchronous || ap.hasError()) { if (ap.hasError() && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(tableName + ": One or more of the operations have failed -" + " waiting for all operation in progress to finish (successfully or not)"); } ap.waitUntilDone();//如果是同步模式,或者出现了错误,则都变成同步模式,需要等待完成 } if (ap.hasError()) { if (!clearBufferOnFail) { // if clearBufferOnFailed is not set, we're supposed to keep the failed operation in the // write buffer. This is a questionable feature kept here for backward compatibility // 如果不是失败则清除模式,则保存失败的操作,功能与0.94版本是一致的,不过原来的版本在提交任务的时候 // 会一并上传一个结果集合,顺序与任务提交的顺序一一对应。顺序取回结果查看是否成功, // 并将成功的操作从缓存队列中移除。 // 而现在的代码,表面上看应该是在某个地方已经清空了,然后ap负责记录并返回失败的操作 writeAsyncBuffer.addAll(ap.getFailedOperations()); } // 目测ap已经完成了重试,并记录了应有的异常 RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e = ap.getErrors(); ap.clearErrors(); throw e; } } finally { currentWriteBufferSize = 0; for (Row mut : writeAsyncBuffer) { if (mut instanceof Mutation) { currentWriteBufferSize += ((Mutation) mut).heapSize();//既然缓存队列之前已经被清除过,也就不用判断是否是失败清除模式了,简单的计算下缓存大小吧。 } } } }
主流程差不多就完成了。重要的两个流程:请求和处理响应,应该是在ap.submit(writeAsyncBuffer, true)和
public void submit(List<? extends Row> rows, boolean atLeastOne) throws InterruptedIOException { if (rows.isEmpty()) { return; } // This looks like we are keying by region but HRegionLocation has a comparator that compares // on the server portion only (hostname + port) so this Map collects regions by server. // 熟悉的面孔,这不是94中HConnectionImplementation.processBatchCallback(list, tableName, pool, results, null) // step 1 第一行么,原来跑这里来了,HRegionLocation --> MultiAction<Row> 的字典结构。 Map<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>> actionsByServer = new HashMap<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>>(); List<Action<Row>> retainedActions = new ArrayList<Action<Row>>(rows.size()); do { // Wait until there is at least one slot for a new task. // 等待空闲资源执行操作,maxTotalConcurrentTasks =hbase.client.max.total.tasks // 默认100,配置文件里面没有哦,亲 TODO【1】 waitForMaximumCurrentTasks(maxTotalConcurrentTasks - 1); // Remember the previous decisions about regions or region servers we put in the // final multi. Map<String, Boolean> regionIncluded = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); Map<ServerName, Boolean> serverIncluded = new HashMap<ServerName, Boolean>(); int posInList = -1; Iterator<? extends Row> it = rows.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Row r = it.next(); HRegionLocation loc = findDestLocation(r, 1, posInList);//定位region TODO【2】 if (loc != null && canTakeOperation(loc, regionIncluded, serverIncluded)) {//判断region TODO【3】 // loc is null if there is an error such as meta not available. Action<Row> action = new Action<Row>(r, ++posInList); retainedActions.add(action); addAction(loc, action, actionsByServer);//添加操作 ,跟之前的step 1里面的步骤一致,multiAction按HRegionLocation聚类 it.remove();//果然,缓存队列在这里会被逐步清空 } } } while (retainedActions.isEmpty() && atLeastOne && !hasError()); HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker errorsByServer = createServerErrorTracker(); //创建跟踪异常,如果需要创建(hbase.client.retries.by.server指定,配置文件没有,默认为true),则返回一个 //HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker sendMultiAction(retainedActions, actionsByServer, 1, errorsByServer);//发送请求 TODO【4】 }
private void waitForMaximumCurrentTasks(int max) throws InterruptedIOException { long lastLog = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(); long currentTasksDone = this.tasksDone.get(); while ((tasksSent.get() - currentTasksDone) > max) {//如果已发送的任务跟已经完成的任务数差值过大 long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(); if (now > lastLog + 10000) { lastLog = now; LOG.info(": Waiting for the global number of running tasks to be equals or less than " + max + ", tasksSent=" + tasksSent.get() + ", tasksDone=" + tasksDone.get() + ", currentTasksDone=" + currentTasksDone + ", tableName=" + tableName); } waitForNextTaskDone(currentTasksDone);//等待下一个任务完成 currentTasksDone = this.tasksDone.get();//看看完成了多少个 } } //这个简单,如果已完成任务数没有变化就等100ms protected void waitForNextTaskDone(long currentNumberOfTask) throws InterruptedIOException { while (currentNumberOfTask == tasksDone.get()) { try { synchronized (this.tasksDone) { this.tasksDone.wait(100); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted." + " currentNumberOfTask=" + currentNumberOfTask + ", tableName=" + tableName + ", tasksDone=" + tasksDone.get()); } } }
protected boolean canTakeOperation(HRegionLocation loc, Map<String, Boolean> regionsIncluded, Map<ServerName, Boolean> serversIncluded) { String encodedRegionName = loc.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName(); Boolean regionPrevious = regionsIncluded.get(encodedRegionName); //之前已经有这个region信息,则直接返回以保存的结果,这里有个问题,如果region信息有更新呢?估计在后面的代码里面。 if (regionPrevious != null) { // We already know what to do with this region. return regionPrevious; } //没有的话看看RS的信息,如果RS已经挂了,那么他对应的所有region都挂,不用看了,记录一下告诉上层吧 Boolean serverPrevious = serversIncluded.get(loc.getServerName()); if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(serverPrevious)) { // It's a new region, on a region server that we have already excluded. regionsIncluded.put(encodedRegionName, Boolean.FALSE); return false; } AtomicInteger regionCnt = taskCounterPerRegion.get(encodedRegionName); if (regionCnt != null && regionCnt.get() >= maxConcurrentTasksPerRegion) { // Too many tasks on this region already.hbase.client.max.perregion.tasks设置,默认为1哦,配置文件没有哦亲,每次只能运行一个任务?这个设置MS有点坑,后续看看改大了会不会有影响 regionsIncluded.put(encodedRegionName, Boolean.FALSE); return false; } if (serverPrevious == null) { // The region is ok, but we need to decide for this region server. int newServers = 0; // number of servers we're going to contact so far for (Map.Entry<ServerName, Boolean> kv : serversIncluded.entrySet()) { if (kv.getValue()) { newServers++; } } // Do we have too many total tasks already? 如果server的数量与等待完成的任务之和小于最大任务数(之前说过,默认100) boolean ok = (newServers + getCurrentTasksCount()) < maxTotalConcurrentTasks; if (ok) { //在检查是否每个server能承受的最大任务数hbase.client.max.perserver.tasks=5,怎么都那么小呢,还不能在配置文件里面找到,坑死了啊 // If the total is fine, is it ok for this individual server? AtomicInteger serverCnt = taskCounterPerServer.get(loc.getServerName()); ok = (serverCnt == null || serverCnt.get() < maxConcurrentTasksPerServer); } // 如果检查失败,RS和Region都设置为false if (!ok) { regionsIncluded.put(encodedRegionName, Boolean.FALSE); serversIncluded.put(loc.getServerName(), Boolean.FALSE); return false; } serversIncluded.put(loc.getServerName(), Boolean.TRUE); } else { assert serverPrevious.equals(Boolean.TRUE); } regionsIncluded.put(encodedRegionName, Boolean.TRUE); return true; }