为了方便,我们新建一个Single View Application 。
输入项目名称 BaseType
Product Name: 指产品名称 ,类似于项目名称。
Company Identifier: 公司标识符,一般命名规则为 “com.公司名”
Bundle Identifier: 指包标识符,用于唯一标识应用程序,默认会根据公司标识符和产品名来组合生成
Device Family: 指该应用支持的设备类型,共三个选项:iPhone、iPad、Universal(即iPhone、iPad通用)
Include Unite Tests: 是否包含单元测试代码模板,如果勾选,Xcode会帮助生成单元测试代码模板
在项目里找到,ViewController.m 为了方便演示,在界面启动时,我们加入测试代码
2 、C语言的基本数据类型长度
- NSLog(@"The size of an int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(int));
- NSLog(@"The size of a short int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(short int));
- NSLog(@"The size of a long int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(long int));
- NSLog(@"The size of a char is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(char));
- NSLog(@"The size of a float is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(float));
- NSLog(@"The size of a double is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(double));
- NSLog(@"The size of a bool is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(bool)); // Do any additional setup after loading the view,
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.726 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of an int is: 4 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.726 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a short int is: 2 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.727 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a long int is: 4 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.731 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a char is: 1 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.732 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a float is: 4 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.733 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a double is: 8 bytes.
- 2012-06-13 13:55:46.733 BaseType[3032:f803] The size of a bool is: 1 bytes.
- //整型
- int integerType = 5;
- //浮点型
- float floatType = 3.1415;
- //双浮点型
- double doubleType = 2.2033;
- //短整型
- short int shortType = 200;
- //长整型
- long long int longlongType = 7758123456767L;
- //c语言字符串
- char * cstring = "this is a string!";
- //整型
- NSLog(@"The value of integerType = %d",integerType);
- //浮点型
- NSLog(@"The value of floatType = %.2f",floatType);
- //双浮点型
- NSLog(@"The value of doubleType = %e",doubleType);
- //短整型
- NSLog(@"The value of shortType = %hi",shortType);
- //长整型
- NSLog(@"The value of longlongType = %lli",longlongType);
- //c语言字符串
- NSLog(@"The value of cstring = %s",cstring);
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.757 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of integerType = 5
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.757 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of floatType = 3.14
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.758 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of doubleType = 2.203300e+00
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.758 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of shortType = 200
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.758 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of longlongType = 7758123456767
- 2012-06-13 14:06:18.758 BaseType[3215:f803] The value of cstring = this is a string!
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