std::string str[] = {"low", "medium", "high"}; std::string msid[] = {"l", "m", "h"}; //double pri = 0.8; //添加初始化参数,在此处设置时域层数,push 多少webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters就是多少层simulcast webrtc::RtpTransceiverInit rtpTI; for (int i = 3; i >= 1; i--) { webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters videoEncoding; videoEncoding.rid = str[i-1]; //videoEncoding.max_bitrate_bps = 3 * i * 100 * 1000; //videoEncoding.bitrate_priority = pri; videoEncoding.num_temporal_layers = 3; rtpTI.send_encodings.push_back(videoEncoding); //pri -= 0.2; rtpTI.stream_ids.push_back(msid[i-1]); //这个是SDP中msid参数的名字 } //单层simulcast的时候设置时域层数 //rtpTI.stream_ids.push_back("cam"); //webrtc::RtpEncodingParameters videoEncoding; //videoEncoding.rid = str[2]; //videoEncoding.num_temporal_layers = 3; //rtpTI.send_encodings.push_back(videoEncoding); auto ret = peer_connection_->AddTransceiver(video_track_,rtpTI); //这个可以获取当前设置的参数 webrtc::RtpParameters para = peer_connection_->GetSenders()[1]->GetParameters();
std::vector<SdpVideoFormat> InternalEncoderFactory::GetSupportedFormats() const { std::vector<SdpVideoFormat> supported_codecs; //for (const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format : webrtc::SupportedH264Codecs()) // supported_codecs.push_back(format); // for (const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format : webrtc::SupportedVP9Codecs()) // supported_codecs.push_back(format); supported_codecs.push_back(SdpVideoFormat(cricket::kVp8CodecName)); return supported_codecs; }
bool IsTemporalLayersSupported(const std::string& codec_name) { return absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec_name, kVp8CodecName) || absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec_name, kVp9CodecName) || absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec_name, kH264CodecName); }
enum : int { kMaxEncoderBuffers = 8 }; enum : int { kMaxSimulcastStreams = 3 }; enum : int { kMaxSpatialLayers = 5 }; enum : int { kMaxTemporalStreams = 4 };
media_session.cc static bool AddStreamParams(){ ... //这是对应的流的信息 StreamParams stream_param = sender.rids.empty() ? // Signal SSRCs and legacy simulcast (if requested). //老版本planb. rids为空,使用num_simulcast_layer来创建,内部调用GenerateSsrcs CreateStreamParamsForNewSenderWithSsrcs( sender, rtcp_cname, include_rtx_streams, include_flexfec_stream, ssrc_generator) : // Signal RIDs and spec-compliant simulcast (if requested). CreateStreamParamsForNewSenderWithRids(sender, rtcp_cname); ... }
void Conductor::ConnectToPeer(int peer_id) { //RTC_DCHECK(peer_id_ == -1); //RTC_DCHECK(peer_id != -1); if (peer_connection_.get()) { main_wnd_->MessageBox( "Error", "We only support connecting to one peer at a time", true); return; } if (InitializePeerConnection()) { webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions(); options.num_simulcast_layers = 3; peer_id_ = peer_id; peer_connection_->CreateOffer( this, options); } else { main_wnd_->MessageBox("Error", "Failed to initialize PeerConnection", true); } }
// These tables describe from which resolution we can use how many // simulcast layers at what bitrates (maximum, target, and minimum). // Important!! Keep this table from high resolution to low resolution. // clang-format off const SimulcastFormat kSimulcastFormats[] = { {1920, 1080, 3, 5000, 4000, 800}, {1280, 720, 3, 2500, 2500, 600}, {960, 540, 3, 1200, 1200, 350}, {640, 360, 2, 700, 500, 150}, {480, 270, 2, 450, 350, 150}, {320, 180, 1, 200, 150, 30}, {0, 0, 1, 200, 150, 30} }; FindSimulcastFormatIndex: { ... for (uint32_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSimulcastFormats); ++i) { if (width * height >= kSimulcastFormats[i].width * kSimulcastFormats[i].height) { return i; } } ... }
ReconfigureEncoder ↓ CreateEncoderStreams ↓ GetSimulcastConfig ↓ LimitSimulcastLayerCount ↓ FindSimulcastFormatIndex
ReconfigureEncoder ↓ CreateEncoderStreams ↓ GetSimulcastConfig ↓ GetNormalSimulcastLayers 设置宽高码率,同时会设置默认时域层 DefaultNumberOfTemporalLayers FindSimulcastMaxBitrateBps FindSimulcastTargetBitrateBps FindSimulcastMinBitrateBps kDefaultVideoMaxFramerate = 60
const int total_pixels_up = kSimulcastFormats[index - 1].width * kSimulcastFormats[index - 1].height; const int total_pixels_down = kSimulcastFormats[index].width * kSimulcastFormats[index].height; const int total_pixels = width * height; const float rate = (total_pixels_up - total_pixels) / static_cast<float>(total_pixels_up - total_pixels_down); SimulcastFormat res; res.width = width; res.height = height; res.max_layers = kSimulcastFormats[index].max_layers; res.max_bitrate_kbps = kSimulcastFormats[index - 1].max_bitrate_kbps * (1.0 - rate) + kSimulcastFormats[index].max_bitrate_kbps * rate;
// If alternative temporal rate allocation is selected, adjust the // bitrate of the lowest simulcast stream so that absolute bitrate for // the base temporal layer matches the bitrate for the base temporal // layer with the default 3 simulcast streams. Otherwise we risk a // higher threshold for receiving a feed at all. if (num_temporal_layers == 3) { if (webrtc::field_trial::IsEnabled( kUseBaseHeavyVP8TL3RateAllocationFieldTrial)) { // Base heavy allocation increases TL0 bitrate from 40% to 60%. rate_factor = 0.4 / 0.6; } } else { rate_factor = webrtc::SimulcastRateAllocator::GetTemporalRateAllocation(3, 0) / webrtc::SimulcastRateAllocator::GetTemporalRateAllocation( num_temporal_layers, 0); }
static const float kLayerRateAllocation[kMaxTemporalStreams][kMaxTemporalStreams] = { {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, // 1 layer {0.6f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, // 2 layers {60%, 40%} {0.4f, 0.6f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, // 3 layers {40%, 20%, 40%} {0.25f, 0.4f, 0.6f, 1.0f} // 4 layers {25%, 15%, 20%, 40%} }; static const float kBaseHeavy3TlRateAllocation[kMaxTemporalStreams] = { 0.6f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f // 3 layers {60%, 20%, 20%} };
ReconfigureEncoder ↓ EncoderSimulcastProxy::InitEncode ↓ LibvpxVp8Encoder::InitEncode ↓ SimulcastRateAllocator::Allocate ↓ SimulcastRateAllocator::GetTemporalRateAllocation 获取对应simulcast层数的时域层比率乘以目标码率
std::vector<uint32_t> SimulcastRateAllocator::DefaultTemporalLayerAllocation( int bitrate_kbps, int max_bitrate_kbps, int simulcast_id) const { const size_t num_temporal_layers = NumTemporalStreams(simulcast_id); std::vector<uint32_t> bitrates; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_temporal_layers; ++i) { float layer_bitrate = bitrate_kbps * GetTemporalRateAllocation(num_temporal_layers, i); bitrates.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(layer_bitrate + 0.5)); } // Allocation table is of aggregates, transform to individual rates. uint32_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_temporal_layers; ++i) { uint32_t layer_bitrate = bitrates[i]; RTC_DCHECK_LE(sum, bitrates[i]); bitrates[i] -= sum; sum = layer_bitrate; if (sum >= static_cast<uint32_t>(bitrate_kbps)) { // Sum adds up; any subsequent layers will be 0. bitrates.resize(i + 1); break; } } return bitrates; }