[整理] [深度学习论文学习]
**声明** 以下下内容均整理自:
[1] https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_37993251/article/details/85268648 [深度学习论文从0开始]
[2] https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_37993251/article/details/84504338 GAN最全论文合集我会在此基础上逐步加入一些学习笔记,再次感谢原作者的整理,一起加油。
1.1 教科书
[0] Bengio, Yoshua, Ian J. Goodfellow, and Aaron Courville. "Deep learning." An MIT Press book. (2015). html (深度学习圣经,在阅读下列文章时可作为参考) ??????????
1.2 总体概述
[1] LeCun, Yann, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Deep learning." Nature 521.7553 (2015): 436-444. pdf (Three Giants‘ Survey) ??????????
1.4 Deep Belief Network (DBN) (Milestone of Deep Learning Eve)
深度学习的前夜 DBN 深度置信网络
深圳克林斯曼 2020-11-09
86377811 2020-11-06
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ohbxiaoxin 2020-11-04
bigquant 2020-11-03
PandaJiong 2020-11-02
fengzhimohan 2020-11-02
xjtukuixing 2020-10-27
深度学习大讲堂 2020-10-14
Trent 2020-10-13
qijiqiguai 2020-10-09
mpkno 2020-09-26
ustbfym 2020-09-21
sunxinyu 2020-09-17
walkpower 2020-09-16
davidsmith 2020-09-04
Icevivian 2020-08-25
QFYJTL 2020-08-23
ohbxiaoxin 2020-08-20