LeetCode 1046. Last Stone Weight
We have a collection of rocks, each rock has a positive integer weight.
Each turn, we choose the two heaviest rocks and smash them together. Suppose the stones have weights x
and y
with x <= y
. The result of this smash is:
- If
x == y
, both stones are totally destroyed; - If
x != y
, the stone of weightx
is totally destroyed, and the stone of weighty
has new weighty-x
At the end, there is at most 1 stone left. Return the weight of this stone (or 0 if there are no stones left.)
Example 1:
Input: [2,7,4,1,8,1] Output: 1 Explanation: We combine 7 and 8 to get 1 so the array converts to [2,4,1,1,1] then, we combine 2 and 4 to get 2 so the array converts to [2,1,1,1] then, we combine 2 and 1 to get 1 so the array converts to [1,1,1] then, we combine 1 and 1 to get 0 so the array converts to [1] then that‘s the value of last stone.
1 <= stones.length <= 30
1 <= stones[i] <= 1000
Put all stones into max heap.
While heap size >= 2, poll top 2 elements and get diff. If diff is larger than 0, add it back to heap.
Time Complexity: O(nlogn). n = stones.length. while loop could run for maximumn n-1 times.
Space: O(n).
AC Java:
class Solution { public int lastStoneWeight(int[] stones) { if(stones == null || stones.length == 0){ return 0; } PriorityQueue<Integer> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder()); for(int stone : stones){ maxHeap.add(stone); } while(maxHeap.size() > 1){ int x = maxHeap.poll(); int y = maxHeap.poll(); int diff = x-y; if(diff > 0){ maxHeap.add(diff); } } return maxHeap.isEmpty() ? 0 : maxHeap.peek(); } }
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