Hadoop学习十八:Hadoop-Hdfs DataXceiverServer源码其它操作及总结
一. 其它操作
public static final byte OP_REPLACE_BLOCK = (byte) 83; public static final byte OP_COPY_BLOCK = (byte) 84; public static final byte OP_BLOCK_CHECKSUM = (byte) 85;
- Receive a block and write it to disk, it then notifies the namenode to remove the copy from the source.
- sourceID:read delete hint.
- DatanodeInfo proxySource:read proxy source.
- 拷贝数据块和写数据块不同的是
- 发起拷贝请求方不提供数据,只提供一个数据源proxySource,接收方需要自己同proxySource建立连接;写请求发起方提供数据。
- 拷贝请求不需要链式流,因为只发生在两个节点上。
- Read a block from the disk and then sends it to a destination.读取block,发生给请求方。
- Get block checksum (MD5 of CRC32).
- readBlock(DataInputStream in):从in里读取blockId和generationStamp,读取此block数据,发送给请求方(Socket s = ss.accept())。
- writeBlock(DataInputStream in):从in里读取blockId和generationStamp,将要从此block读数据; 读取DatanodeInfo targets[],组成链式流;读取block数据到targets[0],继续发生给下一个targets[1]...
- replaceBlock(DataInputStream in):从in里读取blockId和generationStamp,将要从此block读数据;读取proxySource,与proxySource建立连接开始读取block数据;读取sourceID,notifies the namenode to remove the copy from the source.
- copyBlock(DataInputStream in):从in里读取blockId和generationStamp,读取此block的数据发送给请求方。
- getBlockChecksum(DataInputStream in):从in里读取blockId和generationStamp,读取此block的检验值和MD5码。
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