rm -rf conf_$DATE > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir conf_$DATE for t in `cat ../../table-oracle-tohbase.list | grep -v ^#` do table=`echo $t | awk -F ',' '{print $1}'` sh genconf.sh $table done
USUAGE="Usuage: bash run_all_bulkload.sh" source ../../../conf.properties LOG_DIR=logs_$DATE if [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ]; then mkdir $LOG_DIR fi for t in `cat ../../table-oracle-tohbase.list | grep -v ^#`; do table=`echo $t | awk -F ',' '{print $1}'` echo "Bulkload "$table" ..." nohup sh run_bulkload.sh $table > $LOG_DIR/$table.log 2>&1 & done
#! /bin/bash USUAGE="Usuage: bash run_bulkload.sh [TABLENAME] <-test>" PROJECT_HOME=. CLASSPATH=$PROJECT_HOME/lib/bulkload.jar IS_TEST=1 #Default is false 闈炴祴璇? if [ "$#" -lt "1" ]; then echo $USUAGE exit 1 elif [ "$#" -eq "1" ]; then TABLENAME=$1 elif [ "$#" -eq "2" ]; then TABLENAME=$1 IS_TEST=0 else echo $USUAGE exit 1 fi source ../../../conf.properties tablename=$TABLENAME"_"$DATE CONF_FILE=conf_$DATE/$tablename.properties source $CONF_FILE # When use the test mode, judge whether the test parameters have been set checktest=0 if [ "$IS_TEST" -eq "0" ]; then if [ "$test_outputDir" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set the test_outputDir in the conf file." checktest=1 fi if [ "$test_tableName" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set the test_tableName in the conf file." checktest=1 fi fi if [ "$checktest" -eq "1" ]; then exit 1 fi if [ "$IS_TEST" -eq "0" ];then HFILE_DIR=$test_outputDir HBASE_TABLE_NAME=$test_tableName INDEX_TABLE_NAME=$test_indextablename else HFILE_DIR=$outputDir HBASE_TABLE_NAME=$tableName INDEX_TABLE_NAME=$indextablename fi #======= Check and disable the hbase table =============== echo "Check whether the table exists" if echo "list" | hbase shell | grep $tableName ; then echo "The table has existed, disable and drop the table" echo "disable '$tableName'; drop '$tableName'" | hbase shell fi echo "Start loading data into HBase at `date`" start=`date +%s` jars=`ls $PROJECT_HOME/lib` for jar in $jars do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$PROJECT_HOME/lib/$jar" done CLASSPATH=/etc/hdfs1/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf:/etc/hbase/conf:$CLASSPATH sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -rm -r $HFILE_DIR if [ "$IS_TEST" -eq "0" ]; then java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native -cp $CLASSPATH com.transwarp.hbase.bulkload.ImportTextFile2HBase $CONF_FILE -test else java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native -cp $CLASSPATH com.transwarp.hbase.bulkload.ImportTextFile2HBase $CONF_FILE fi sleep 60 sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 $HFILE_DIR sleep 60 if [ "$INDEX_TABLE_NAME" != "" ]; then /usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles $HFILE_DIR $INDEX_TABLE_NAME else /usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles $HFILE_DIR $HBASE_TABLE_NAME fi #echo "Delete the hfile output dir " #sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -rmr $HFILE_DIR end=`date +%s` interval=`expr $end - $start` echo "End loading data into HBase at `date`" echo "Time used $interval seconds"
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