C语言 投票系统:给定候选人,从键盘输入候选人的名字,统计票数,并输出最终获胜者
//凯鲁嘎吉 - 安科网http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/
1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<string.h> 3 #define NUM 10 //投票的人数 4 #define K 4 //候选人数 5 struct vote{ 6 char name[10]; 7 int num; 8 }candidate[K]={"Mark", 0, "wrr", 0, "Mary", 0, "Kay", 0}; 9 10 void main(){ 11 char input[10]; 12 int i, j, m=0, n=0, max=0; 13 14 printf("\t\tWelcome to the voting system!\n"); 15 printf("\t\tcandidate:"); 16 for(j=0;j<K;j++){ 17 printf("%s ", candidate[j].name); 18 } 19 printf("\n"); 20 21 for(i=0;i<NUM;i++){ 22 printf("No.%d is voting ,name is :", i+1); 23 scanf("%s",input); 24 for(j=0;j<K;j++){ 25 if(strcmp(candidate[j].name, input)==0){ 26 n=candidate[j].num++; 27 } 28 if(max<n){ 29 max=n; 30 m=j; 31 } 32 } 33 } 34 printf("\n\n"); 35 //int strcmp(char *a, char *b) 比较字符串a, b 36 //a<b, 返回负数; a=b,返回 0 ; a>b,返回正数 37 for(j=0;j<K;j++){ 38 printf("%s's number of votes is %d\n", candidate[j].name, candidate[j].num); 39 } 40 41 printf("\nThe victor is %s !!! \nThe number of votes is %d\n\n", candidate[m].name, max+1); 42 }
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