





try {
             * Initialize local controller. Normally you'd run this only once
             * for an entire application (controller is thread safe).
            final LocalController controller = initLocalController();

             * Once we have a controller we can run queries. Change the query
             * to something that is relevant to the data in your index.
            // Data for clustering, containing documents consisting of 
            // titles and bodies of documents.
            String [][] documents = new String [] [] {
                { "Data Mining - Wikipedia", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining" },
                { "KD Nuggets", "http://www.kdnuggets.com/" },
                { "The Data Mine", "http://www.the-data-mine.com/" },
                { "DMG", "http://www.dmg.org/" },
                { "Data Mining", "http://www.gr-fx.com/graf-fx.htm" },
                { "Data Mining Benchmarking Association (DMBA)", "http://www.dmbenchmarking.com/" },
                { "Data Mining", "http://www.computerworld.com/databasetopics/businessintelligence/datamining" },
                { "National Center for Data Mining (NCDM) - University of Illinois at Chicago", "http://www.ncdm.uic.edu/" },
            // Although the query will not be used to fetch any data, if the data
            // that you're submitting for clustering is a response to some
            // search engine-like query, please provide it, as the clustering
            // algrithm may use it to improve the clustering quality.
            final String query = "data mining";
            // The documents are provided for clustering in the 
            // PARAM_SOURCE_RAW_DOCUMENTS parameter, which should point to
            // a List of RawDocuments.
            List documentList = new ArrayList(documents.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < documents.length; i++)
                documentList.add(new RawDocumentSnippet(
                    new Integer(i),  // unique id of the document, can be a plain sequence id
                    documents[i][0], // document title
                    documents[i][1], // document body
                    "dummy://" + i,  // URL (not required for clustering)
                    0.0f)            // document score, can be 0.0 
            final HashMap params = new HashMap();
            final ProcessingResult pResult = controller.query("direct-feed-lingo", query, params);
            final ArrayOutputComponent.Result result = (ArrayOutputComponent.Result) pResult.getQueryResult();

             * Once we have the buffered snippets and clusters, we can display
             * them somehow. We'll reuse the simple text-dumping method
             * available in {@link Test}.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // There shouldn't be any, but just in case.
            System.err.println("An exception occurred: " + e.toString());
