Webware for Python 1.1发布!

Webware for Python 1.1发布了,开发WEB应用程序的Python工具包。

Webware for Python是一套用来开发面向对象的WEB应用程序的Python工具包。它具有良好的设计模式,包含一个快速的应用服务器、Servlets 、Python Server Pagers (PSP) 、ORM框架、任务调度、Session管理等等。而且具备模块化和可扩展性,支持多平台,兼容多种Web服务器、数据库服务器和操作系统等特点。

Webware for Python 1.1发布!


Added an adapter for any WSGI compliant webserver to communicate with the Webware application server, which you can use straight away as WSGI application script file for mod_wsgi.

Added new session store classes based on shelve and Memcached.

MiddleKit now supports SQLite as database.

A mod_webkit binary for Apache 2 64bit on Windows is now included.

