Webware for Python 1.1发布!
Webware for Python 1.1发布了,开发WEB应用程序的Python工具包。
Webware for Python是一套用来开发面向对象的WEB应用程序的Python工具包。它具有良好的设计模式,包含一个快速的应用服务器、Servlets 、Python Server Pagers (PSP) 、ORM框架、任务调度、Session管理等等。而且具备模块化和可扩展性,支持多平台,兼容多种Web服务器、数据库服务器和操作系统等特点。
Added an adapter for any WSGI compliant webserver to communicate with the Webware application server, which you can use straight away as WSGI application script file for mod_wsgi.
Added new session store classes based on shelve and Memcached.
MiddleKit now supports SQLite as database.
A mod_webkit binary for Apache 2 64bit on Windows is now included.
huavhuahua 2020-11-20
weiiron 2020-11-16
cakecc00 2020-11-15
千锋 2020-11-15
JakobHu 2020-11-14
guangcheng 2020-11-13
xirongxudlut 2020-11-10
solarLan 2020-11-09
pythonxuexi 2020-11-08
文山羊 2020-11-07
susmote 2020-11-07
wuShiJingZuo 2020-11-05
Pythonjeff远 2020-11-06
jacktangj 2020-11-04
lousir 2020-11-04
YENCSDN 2020-11-17
lsjweiyi 2020-11-17
houmenghu 2020-11-17
Erick 2020-11-17