Apache SeriveMix Kernel 已经成为Apache Felix的子项目了

作为Apache ServiceMix4.0的微内核开源项目Apache SeriveMix Kernel已经成为Apache Felix子项目了,并更名为Apache Felix Karfa



  • Hot deployment: Karaf supports hot deployment of OSGi bundles by monitoring jar files inside the [home]/deploydirectory. Each time a jar is copied in this folder, it will beinstalled inside the runtime. You can then update or delete it andchanges will be handled automatically. In addition, the Karaf alsosupports exploded bundles and custom deployers (a spring one isincluded by default).
  • Dynamic configuration: Servicesare usually configured through the ConfigurationAdmin OSGi service.Such configuration can be defined in Karaf using property files insidethe [home]/etc directory. These configurations are monitored and changes on the properties files will be propagated to the services.
  • Logging System:using a centralized logging back end supported by Log4J, Karaf supportsa number of different APIs (JDK 1.4, JCL, SLF4J, Avalon, Tomcat, OSGi)
  • Provisioning:Provisioning of libraries or applications can be done through a numberof different ways, by which they will be downloaded locally, installedand started.
  • Native OS integration: Karaf can beintegrated into your own Operating System as a service so that thelifecycle will be bound to your Operating System.
  • Extensible Shell console:Karaf features a nice text console where you can manage the services,install new applications or libraries and manage their state. Thisshell is easily extensible by deploying new commands dynamically alongwith new features or applications.
  • Remote access: use any SSH client to connect to Karaf and issue commands in the console
  • Security framework based on JAAS
  • Managing instances:Karaf provides simple commands for managing multiple instances. You caneasily create, delete, start and stop instances of Karaf through theconsole.
