Create SSH link to Gitlab
1. open "Git Bash"
2. ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "name_of_gitlab_account"
3. "Enter" three times
4. C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\ ========>> id_rsa and
5. copy the content of to SSH Keys in
Base operation
1.git init
2.git remote add origin http://
3.git fetch
4.git branch branch_name origin/branch_name
5.git checkout branch_name
6.git add .
7.git commit -m “commit message”
8.git push origin branch_name
Make tags
1.git tag -a tag_name -m ‘tag message‘
2.git tag -l
3.git push origin tag_name
cxin 2020-11-06
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83284950 2020-06-17
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就是那个胖子 2020-06-14
83284950 2020-06-14
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