今天我们将学习使用OpenCV来分割皮肤并使用Sci Kit学习执行K-Means聚类以找到主要的肤色。
机器学习是人工智能的子领域,其重点是为计算机/系统提供自动从数据学习而无需明确编程的算法。它基本上意味着允许计算机在没有“if else”语句的情况下进行预测或假设。
- 监督学习
- 无人监督的学习
- 强化学习
- 选择clusters 数量(K)
- 随机放置K个数据点(初始质心)
- 将数据集中的点分配给最近的质心(这通常是从质心中找到点的欧几里德距离)
- 通过获取每个cluster中的数据点的平均值来重新计算新的质心。
- 重复3和4直到质心不移动。
- 1. 读取图像 - 这可以使用OpenCV完成
- 2. 从图像中分割出皮肤 - 这也可以使用OpenCV完成
- 3. 找到主导色彩 - 这是主要目标!我们将在Scikit-learn python包的帮助下使用K-Mean聚类算法。
1.OpenCV在“BGR Color Space”中读取彩色图像。
HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value)是用于表示与人类感知对齐的RGB颜色的模型。Hue表示特定颜色的波长优势,Saturation表示颜色的深浅,Value表示颜色的强度。
由于cv2.imshow()在Google Collab中不起作用,我们将使用matplotlib的plypot“imshow”方法来显示图像。
我们将使用PyImageSearch.com的Adrian Rosebrock作者提供的令人敬畏的“ imutils ”库。
import numpy as np import cv2 from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from collections import Counter import imutils import pprint from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def extractSkin(image): # Taking a copy of the image img = image.copy() # Converting from BGR Colours Space to HSV img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # Defining HSV Threadholds lower_threshold = np.array([0, 48, 80], dtype=np.uint8) upper_threshold = np.array([20, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8) # Single Channel mask,denoting presence of colours in the about threshold skinMask = cv2.inRange(img, lower_threshold, upper_threshold) # Cleaning up mask using Gaussian Filter skinMask = cv2.GaussianBlur(skinMask, (3, 3), 0) # Extracting skin from the threshold mask skin = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=skinMask) # Return the Skin image return cv2.cvtColor(skin, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) def removeBlack(estimator_labels, estimator_cluster): # Check for black hasBlack = False # Get the total number of occurance for each color occurance_counter = Counter(estimator_labels) # Quick lambda function to compare to lists def compare(x, y): return Counter(x) == Counter(y) # Loop through the most common occuring color for x in occurance_counter.most_common(len(estimator_cluster)): # Quick List comprehension to convert each of RBG Numbers to int color = [int(i) for i in estimator_cluster[x[0]].tolist()] # Check if the color is [0,0,0] that if it is black if compare(color, [0, 0, 0]) == True: # delete the occurance del occurance_counter[x[0]] # remove the cluster hasBlack = True estimator_cluster = np.delete(estimator_cluster, x[0], 0) break return (occurance_counter, estimator_cluster, hasBlack) def getColorInformation(estimator_labels, estimator_cluster, hasThresholding=False): # Variable to keep count of the occurance of each color predicted occurance_counter = None # Output list variable to return colorInformation = [] # Check for Black hasBlack = False # If a mask has be applied, remove th black if hasThresholding == True: (occurance, cluster, black) = removeBlack( estimator_labels, estimator_cluster) occurance_counter = occurance estimator_cluster = cluster hasBlack = black else: occurance_counter = Counter(estimator_labels) # Get the total sum of all the predicted occurances totalOccurance = sum(occurance_counter.values()) # Loop through all the predicted colors for x in occurance_counter.most_common(len(estimator_cluster)): index = (int(x[0])) # Quick fix for index out of bound when there is no threshold index = (index-1) if ((hasThresholding & hasBlack) & (int(index) != 0)) else index # Get the color number into a list color = estimator_cluster[index].tolist() # Get the percentage of each color color_percentage = (x[1]/totalOccurance) # make the dictionay of the information colorInfo = {"cluster_index": index, "color": color, "color_percentage": color_percentage} # Add the dictionary to the list colorInformation.append(colorInfo) return colorInformation def extractDominantColor(image, number_of_colors=5, hasThresholding=False): # Quick Fix Increase cluster counter to neglect the black(Read Article) if hasThresholding == True: number_of_colors += 1 # Taking Copy of the image img = image.copy() # Convert Image into RGB Colours Space img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Reshape Image img = img.reshape((img.shape[0]*img.shape[1]), 3) # Initiate KMeans Object estimator = KMeans(n_clusters=number_of_colors, random_state=0) # Fit the image estimator.fit(img) # Get Colour Information colorInformation = getColorInformation( estimator.labels_, estimator.cluster_centers_, hasThresholding) return colorInformation def plotColorBar(colorInformation): # Create a 500x100 black image color_bar = np.zeros((100, 500, 3), dtype="uint8") top_x = 0 for x in colorInformation: bottom_x = top_x + (x["color_percentage"] * color_bar.shape[1]) color = tuple(map(int, (x['color']))) cv2.rectangle(color_bar, (int(top_x), 0), (int(bottom_x), color_bar.shape[0]), color, -1) top_x = bottom_x return color_bar """## Section Two.4.2 : Putting it All together: Pretty Print The function makes print out the color information in a readable manner """ def prety_print_data(color_info): for x in color_info: print(pprint.pformat(x)) print() """ The below lines of code, is the implementation of the above defined function. """ ''' Skin Image Primary : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octalpixel/Skin-Extraction-from-Image-and-Finding-Dominant-Color/master/82764696-open-palm-hand-gesture-of-male-hand_image_from_123rf.com.jpg Skin Image One : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octalpixel/Skin-Extraction-from-Image-and-Finding-Dominant-Color/master/skin.jpg Skin Image Two : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octalpixel/Skin-Extraction-from-Image-and-Finding-Dominant-Color/master/skin_2.jpg Skin Image Three : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octalpixel/Skin-Extraction-from-Image-and-Finding-Dominant-Color/master/Human-Hands-Front-Back-Image-From-Wikipedia.jpg ''' # Get Image from URL. If you want to upload an image file and use that comment the below code and replace with image=cv2.imread("FILE_NAME") image = imutils.url_to_image( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octalpixel/Skin-Extraction-from-Image-and-Finding-Dominant-Color/master/82764696-open-palm-hand-gesture-of-male-hand_image_from_123rf.com.jpg") # Resize image to a width of 250 image = imutils.resize(image, width=250) # Show image plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.show() # Apply Skin Mask skin = extractSkin(image) plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(skin, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.show() # Find the dominant color. Default is 1 , pass the parameter 'number_of_colors=N' where N is the specified number of colors dominantColors = extractDominantColor(skin, hasThresholding=True) # Show in the dominant color information print("Color Information") prety_print_data(dominantColors) # Show in the dominant color as bar print("Color Bar") colour_bar = plotColorBar(dominantColors) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(colour_bar) plt.show()