def anagramSolution1(s1, s2): """ 变位词第一种解法:O(n^2) :param s1: :param s2: :return: """ alist = list(s2) # s2字符串转换为列表 pos1 = 0 stillOK = True while pos1 < len(s1) and stillOK: # 循环s1的每个字符 pos2 = 0 found = False while pos2 < len(alist) and not found: if s1[pos1] == alist[pos2]: # 与s2元素逐个对比 found = True else: pos2 += 1 if found: alist[pos2] = None # 找到,打钩 else: stillOK = False # 未找到,失败 pos1 += 1 return stillOK print(anagramSolution1(‘python‘, ‘typhon‘)) def anagramSolution2(s1, s2): """ 变位词第二种解法:O(nlogn) :param s1: :param s2: :return: """ alist = list(s1) blist = list(s2) alist.sort() # 分别排序 blist.sort() matches = True pos1 = 0 while pos1 < len(alist) and matches: if alist[pos1] == blist[pos1]: # 一一对比 matches = True else: matches = False pos1 += 1 return matches print(anagramSolution2(‘abcd‘, ‘dcba‘)) def anagramSolution3(s1, s2): """ 变位词第三种解法,计数比较变位词:O(n) :param s1: :param s2: :return: """ c1 = [0] * 26 c2 = [0] * 26 for i in range(len(s1)): pos = ord(s1[i]) - ord(‘a‘) # 分别计数 c1[pos] += 1 for i in range(len(s2)): pos = ord(s1[i]) - ord(‘a‘) c2[pos] += 1 j = 0 stillOK = True while j < 26 and stillOK: # 计数器比较 if c1[j] == c2[j]: j+=1 else: stillOK = False return stillOK print(anagramSolution3(‘apple‘, ‘pleap‘))
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