使用Eclipse(MyEclipse)+ abator自动生成iBatis代码以及配置文件的方法
一.安装插件AbatorAbator for Eclipse Update Site
This is the Abator for Eclipse update site. If you're not sure what Abator is, then see this pagehttp://ibatis.apache.org/abator.html
If you've already installed a prior version of Abator for Eclipse, then simply run the Eclipse Install/Update tool and any new version will be found automatically.
If you've not already installed Abator, then you can use the built in Eclipse install support by following these steps:
- Take the "Help>Software Updates>Find and Install" Menu Option
- Select the "Search for new features to install" radio button, press "Next"
- Press the "New Remote Site" button
- Enter the following information:Name:Abator for Eclipse Update SiteURL:http://ibatis.apache.org/tools/abator
- Press OK
- Check the box next to "Abator for Eclipse Update Site"
- Follow the remainder of the install wizard
3、插件完成后,建立一个项目ibatisTest,然后选择文件>新建>ABator for iBatis configuration File,默认文件名,点击“完成”。修改刚才的文件abatorConfig.xml,把里面的相关“?”根据自己的实际情况替换如下,我的是这样的。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE abatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Abator for iBATIS Configuration 1.0//EN"
<abatorContext> <!-- TODO: Add Database Connection Information -->
<jdbcConnection driverclass="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
<classPathEntry location="G:/techinfo/javaLib/DB_Jar/oracle/classes12.jar" />
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="com.spell.model" targetProject="ibatisTest/src" />
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="com.spell.map" targetProject="ibatisTest/src" />
<daoGenerator type="IBATIS" targetPackage="com.spell.dao" targetProject="ibatisTest/src" />
<table tablename="members">
5、 在abatorConfig.xml上点击鼠标右键,选择Generate iBATIS Artifact,在src目录下会生成com.spell.model、com.spell.map、com.spell.dao三个目录,文件也建立好了。 其他有什么要修改的就自己动手吧~~