
1 # guess LuckyNum 2 # 练习使用if_else语句 3 # 使用循环语句while 4 # 与、或、非 and、or、not 5 6 MyLuckNum = 66 7 NumInput = 0 8 GuessCount = 5 9 # while True: 10 while MyLuckNum != NumInput and GuessCount != 0: 11 NumInput = int(input("Please input number (0~100):")) 12 GuessCount -= 1 13 print("GuessCount=", GuessCount) 14 15 if NumInput <= 100: 16 if NumInput > MyLuckNum: 17 print("the real num is smaller") 18 elif NumInput < MyLuckNum: 19 print("the real num is bigger") 20 else: 21 print("Input Error!") 22 if GuessCount == 0 and MyLuckNum != NumInput: 23 print("time is over!") 24 else: 25 print("bingo!")GusessNumProgram

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