安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor是专门为MySQL数据库而设计的一款企业级监控,能非常好地与MySQL各方面特性相结合,包括:MySQL的关键性能指标、主机、磁盘、备份、新特性相关以及各种场景下的架构配置,并支持从单节点到海量节点部署的环境。它不仅能够全面地监控MySQL的运行状态,还能及时发现潜在的问题并给出优化建议。本文描述了MySQL Enterprise Monitor的安装过程。


General Platform Recommendations

The following are recommended:

• Ensure that your Service Manager and Agent hosts are synchronized to the same time server. It is important that all times are properly synchronized.

• Ensure that your Service Manager and Agent hosts use different SSH host keys before installing.

MySQL Requirements

This section describes the MYSQL Server requirements for MySQL Enterprise Monitor installation.

• The Enterprise Server Manager repository requires MySQL Server 5.6.14 or higher.

• The Monitoring Agent can monitor any version of MySQL Server from version 5.0 onwards.


Ensure the following:

• The MySQL Server version is 5.6.14 or higher.

• The InnoDB storage engine is available.

• SSL is enabled.

You must ensure the following in the MySQL Server configuration:

• Query Cache must not be enabled.

• Set innodb_file_per_table=1.

• Set innodb_file_format=Barracuda.

• On Linux/Unix hosts, ensure innodb_flush_method=O_Direct, except on Solaris if ZFS is used.

If using ZFS, comment out this parameter.

• It is recommended to set innodb_log_file_size=2048M.


2、MySQL Enterprise Monitor架构图及安装步骤

安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor

c、在每个要监视的MySQL server上按住EM agent


3、安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor

[root@SZDB tools]# ls -hltr
total 999M
-rwxrwxr-x 1 robin mysql 252M Sep 30 02:32 mysqlmonitor-
-rwxrwxr-x 1 robin mysql 252M Sep 30 02:32 mysqlmonitor-
-rw-r--r-- 1 robin mysql  13K Sep 30 05:09 README_en.txt
-rw-rwxr-- 1 robin mysql  13K Sep 30 05:09 READ_ME_ja.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 robin mysql 495M Nov 11 08:11 MySQLmem3015.zip
[root@SZDB tools]# chmod u+x mysqlmonitor-*.bin
[root@SZDB tools]# ./mysqlmonitor-
Language Selection

Please select the installation language      #选择安装语言
[1] English - English
[2] Japanese - 日本語
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Info: During the installation process you will be asked to enter usernames and
passwords for various pieces of the Enterprise Monitor. Please be sure to make
note of these in a secure location so you can recover them in case they are
Press [Enter] to continue :
Welcome to the setup wizard for the MySQL Enterprise Monitor

Please specify the directory where the MySQL Enterprise Monitor will be
installed              #选择安装路径 

Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor]: /dbdata/mysql/enterprise/monitor

Tomcat Server Options

Please specify the following parameters for the bundled Tomcat Server

Tomcat Server Port [18080]:              #Author: Leshami

Service Manager User Account

You are installing as root, but it's not good practice for the Service Manager
to run under the root user account.  Please specify the name of a user account
to use for the Service Manager below.  Note that this user account will be
created for you if it doesn't already exist.

User Account [mysqlmem]:

Database Installation  #选择已存在的MySQL数据用于Repository还是新建一个

Please select which database configuration you wish to use

[1] I wish to use the bundled MySQL database
[2] I wish to use an existing MySQL database *
Please choose an option [1] :

* We will validate the version of your existing MySQL database server during the
installation. See documentation for minimum version requirements.

Important: MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.3 and 3.0 cannot share a Repository. If
you're not using the bundled Repository and will be running both versions in
your environment, you must set up and maintain separate repositories for them.

Visit the following URL for more information:


Repository Configuration

Please specify the following parameters for the bundled MySQL server

Repository Username [service_manager]: #Repository用户名及密码

Password :
Re-enter :
MySQL Database Port [13306]:

Use SSL when connecting to the database [y/N]: y

Setup is now ready to install MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: y

Please wait while Setup installs MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.

 Installing      #开始安装mysql enterprise monitor                       
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

Completed installing files

Setup has completed installing the MySQL Enterprise Monitor files on your

Uninstalling the MySQL Enterprise Monitor files can be done by invoking:

To complete the installation, launch the MySQL Enterprise Monitor UI and
complete the initial setup. Refer to the readme file for additional information
and a list of known issues.

Press [Enter] to continue :
Completed installing files

WARNING: To improve security, all communication with the Service Manager uses
SSL. Because only a basic self-signed security certificate is included when the
Service Manager is installed, it is likely that your browser will display a
warning about an untrusted connection. Please either install your own
certificate or add a security exception for the Service Manager URL to your
browser. See the documentation for more information.

Press [Enter] to continue :

Setup has finished installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.

View Readme File [Y/n]: n

Info: To configure the MySQL Enterprise Monitor please visit the following page:
Press [Enter] to continue :
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@SZDB tools]#


[robin@TESTDB ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i lsb  #确认已安装下列RedHat-lsb包
[root@TESTDB opt]# /home/robin/mysqlmonitoragent-
Language Selection

Please select the installation language
[1] English - English
[2] Japanese - 日本語
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Welcome to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent Setup Wizard.
Installation directory

Please specify the directory where MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent will be

Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent]:  #选择安装路径

How will the agent connect to the database it is monitoring? #选择连接协议

[1] TCP/IP
[2] Socket
Please choose an option [1] : 
Monitoring Options

You can configure the Agent to monitor this host (file systems, CPU, RAM, etc.)
and then use the Monitor UI to furnish connection parameters for all current and
future running MySQL Instances. This can be automated or done manually for each
MySQL Instance discovered by the Agent. (Note: scanning for running MySQL
processes is not available on Windows, but you can manually add new connections
and parameters from the Monitor UI as well.)

Visit the following URL for more information:

Monitoring options:

[1] Host only: Configure the Agent to monitor this host and then use the Monitor UI to furnish connection parameters for current and future running MySQL Instances.
[2] Host and database: Configure the Agent to monitor this host and furnish connection parameters for a specific MySQL Instance now. This process may be scripted. Once installed, this Agent will also continuously look for new MySQL Instances to monitor as described above.
Please choose an option [2] :  #这里选择同时监控主机和数据库

Setup is now ready to begin installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: y
Please wait while Setup installs MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your

 Installing    #安装agent
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

MySQL Enterprise Monitor Options

Hostname or IP address []:  #Enterprise Monitor DB 的IP
Tomcat SSL Port [18443]:
The following are the username and password that the Agent will use to connect
to the Monitor.  They were defined when you installed the Monitor.  They can be
modified under Settings, Manage Users.  Their role is defined as "agent".

Agent Username [agent]:  #输入安装Enterprise Monitor是定义的用户名及密码
Agent Password :
Re-enter :
Monitored Database Information

IMPORTANT: The Admin user account specified below requires special MySQL

Visit the following URL for more information:

MySQL hostname or IP address [localhost]:  #被监控数据库的IP及端口设置

Validate MySQL hostname or IP address [Y/n]: y

MySQL Port [3306]:

Admin User []: root

Admin Password :
Re-enter Password :
Monitor Group []: Prod

Agent User Account Creation

IMPORTANT: Less privileged accounts can be used to enhance monitoring security,
and can even be created for you if the Admin account has GRANT privileges.

Visit the following URL for more information:

Auto-Create Less Privileged Users [Y/n]: y

General Username []: general      #以下部分创建用户捕获数据库等相关的监控信息

General Password :
Re-enter Password :
Limited Username []: limited

Limited Password :
Re-enter Password :
Configuration Report

MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent (Version :

The settings you specified are listed below.

Note that if you are using a Connector to collect Query Analyzer data,
you will need some of these settings to configure the Connector. See
the following for more information:

Installation directory: /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent

MySQL Enterprise Monitor UI:
Hostname or IP address:
Tomcat Server Port: 18443
Use SSL: yes

Monitored MySQL Database:
Hostname or IP address: localhost
Port: 3306
Press [Enter] to continue :

Press [Enter] to continue :
Start MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent

Info to start the MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent

The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent was successfully installed. To start the
Agent please invoke:
/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
Press [Enter] to continue :
Setup has finished installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent on your computer.

View Agent Readme File [Y/n]: n

[root@TESTDB opt]# /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
Starting MySQL Enterprise Agent service...[  OK  ]

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