Rancher2 自定义阿里云主机驱动
# 下载 curl -L https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.16.2/docker-machine-`uname -s`-`uname -m` >/usr/bin/docker-machine && chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-machine
# 查看版本 # docker-machine -v docker-machine version 0.16.2, build bd45ab13
Golang 程序在 Windows 下编译出 Linux 64位可执行 docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs 程序。
2.1 下载driver代码
2.2 安装配置Goland
1)Goland 软件打开docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs代码,并配置GOROOT环境
2)Settings -> Go -> GOPATH -> Global GOPATH -> D:\GolandProjects
import ( "docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs/aliyunecs" "github.com/docker/machine/libmachine/drivers/plugin" )
5)main.go文件右键执行一次:Run ‘go build main.go‘,会报错然后进行下一步
6)Run -> Edit Configurations -> Go Build -> Configuration -> Package
? Output directory:D:\GolandProjects\src\docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs\bin
? Run after build:取消选择
? Environment:CGO_ENABLED=0;GOOS=linux;GOARCH=amd64
7)首次构建:点击右上角 go build docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs 右侧的运行按钮进行构建
1)把生成的可执行文件 go_build_docker_machine_driver_aliyunecs_linux 重命名为 docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs,并存放在/opt/rancher-driver目录中
# 赋予权限 chmod +x /opt/rancher-driver/docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs
vim create-aliyunecs.sh
#! /bin/bash export PATH=/opt/rancher-driver:$PATH export ECS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=‘LTAxxxxxx6KpR0‘ export ECS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=‘GAA58xxxxxxxxZOlOsj3zh‘ export ECS_IMAGE_ID=‘m-8vbi4xxxxxxzjlzt3‘ export ECS_REGION=‘cn-zhangjiakou‘ export ECS_VPC_ID=‘vpc-8vbot4xxxxxxxx88237‘ export ECS_VSWITCH_ID=‘vsw-8vxxxxxx5krg0s‘ export ECS_ZONE=‘cn-zhangjiakou-a‘ export ECS_SECURITY_GROUP=‘k8s-develop‘ export ECS_INSTANCE_TYPE=‘ecs.c6.large‘ export ECS_SSH_KEYPAIR=‘主机密钥‘ export ECS_DISK_SIZE=‘0‘ export ECS_SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE=‘150‘ export ECS_SYSTEM_DISK_CATEGORY=‘cloud_ssd‘ export ECS_IO_OPTIMIZED=‘true‘ export ECS_PRIVATE_ADDR_ONLY=‘true‘ docker-machine create -d aliyunecs auto-test-01
# 关闭不必要的源,然后重新制作镜像 yum install -y yum-utils yum repolist yum-config-manager --disable "repo name" yum clean all
# cat /etc/docker/daemon.json { "registry-mirrors": ["https://mirror.nexus.wmqhealth.com"], "max-concurrent-downloads": 5, "max-concurrent-uploads": 5, "storage-opts": ["overlay2.override_kernel_check=true"], "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "100m", "max-file": "3" } }
验证驱动可以创建主机后,把驱动打成ZIP包,存在OSS中生成外链添加到Rancher UI 中后,不过还需自定义UI URL,要不然界面很乱。
4、下载rancher ui-driver-skel
4.1 创建JS文件步骤
git clone https://github.com/rancher/ui-driver-skel.git mv ui-driver-skel ui-driver-aliyunecs cd ui-driver-aliyunecs
vim package.json { "name": "ui-driver-aliyunecs", ... }
npm install npm run build npm start
4.2 修改默认JS
默认的JS显示的界面只有主机的CPU和内存信息,不是我们想要的,需自定义UI界面;可参考Rancher UI官网提供的 driver-aliyunecs 中包含 component.js 和 template.hbs 文件,参照这些文件制作自己的UI界面。
component.js 内容如下:
/*!!!!!!!!!!!Do not change anything between here (the DRIVERNAME placeholder will be automatically replaced at buildtime)!!!!!!!!!!!*/ import NodeDriver from ‘shared/mixins/node-driver‘; // do not remove LAYOUT, it is replaced at build time with a base64 representation of the template of the hbs template // we do this to avoid converting template to a js file that returns a string and the cors issues that would come along with that const LAYOUT; /*!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT CHANGE END!!!!!!!!!!!*/ /*!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL CONST START!!!!!!!!!!!*/ // EMBER API Access - if you need access to any of the Ember API‘s add them here in the same manner rather then import them via modules, since the dependencies exist in rancher we dont want to expor the modules in the amd def const computed = Ember.computed; const get = Ember.get; const set = Ember.set; const alias = Ember.computed.alias; const service = Ember.inject.service; const defaultRadix = 10; const defaultBase = 1024; /*!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL CONST END!!!!!!!!!!!*/ /*!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT CHANGE START!!!!!!!!!!!*/ export default Ember.Component.extend(NodeDriver, { driverName: ‘%%DRIVERNAME%%‘, config: alias(‘model.%%DRIVERNAME%%Config‘), app: service(), init() { // This does on the fly template compiling, if you mess with this :cry: const decodedLayout = window.atob(LAYOUT); const template = Ember.HTMLBars.compile(decodedLayout, { moduleName: ‘nodes/components/driver-%%DRIVERNAME%%/template‘ }); set(this,‘layout‘, template); this._super(...arguments); }, /*!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT CHANGE END!!!!!!!!!!!*/ // Write your component here, starting with setting ‘model‘ to a machine with your config populated bootstrap: function() { // bootstrap is called by rancher ui on ‘init‘, you‘re better off doing your setup here rather then the init function to ensure everything is setup correctly let config = get(this, ‘globalStore‘).createRecord({ type: ‘%%DRIVERNAME%%Config‘, // cpuCount: 2, // memorySize: 2048, // accessKeyId: null, accessKeySecret: null, region: ‘cn-zhangjiakou‘, imageId: ‘m-8vbixxxxxxxxxxzt3‘, vpcId: ‘vpc-8vboxxxxxxxxxx8237‘, vswitchId: ‘vsw-8vbmxxxxxxxx5krg0s‘, zone: ‘cn-zhangjiakou-a‘, securityGroup: ‘k8s-develop‘, instanceType: ‘ecs.r6.xlarge‘, privateAddressOnly: ‘true‘, internetMaxBandwidth: ‘0‘, diskSize: ‘0‘, systemDiskSize: ‘150‘, systemDiskCategory: ‘cloud_ssd‘, ioOptimized: ‘true‘, }); set(this, ‘model.%%DRIVERNAME%%Config‘, config); }, // Add custom validation beyond what can be done from the config API schema validate() { // Get generic API validation errors this._super(); var errors = get(this, ‘errors‘)||[]; if ( !get(this, ‘model.name‘) ) { errors.push(‘Name is required‘); } // Add more specific errors // Check something and add an error entry if it fails: if ( parseInt(get(this, ‘config.memorySize‘), defaultRadix) < defaultBase ) { errors.push(‘Memory Size must be at least 1024 MB‘); } // Set the array of errors for display, // and return true if saving should continue. if ( get(errors, ‘length‘) ) { set(this, ‘errors‘, errors); return false; } else { set(this, ‘errors‘, null); return true; } }, // Any computed properties or custom logic can go here });
template.hbs 内存如下:
<section class="horizontal-form"> {{#accordion-list showExpandAll=false as | al expandFn |}} {{!-- This line shows the driver title which you don‘t have to change it --}} <div class="over-hr mb-20"><span>{{driverOptionsTitle}}</span></div> {{!-- An example input option --}} <div class="row"> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.accessKey.label"}}{{field-required}} </label> {{input type="text" class="form-control" value=config.accessKeyId placeholder=(t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.accessKey.placeholder") }} </div> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.accessKeySecret.label"}}{{field-required}} </label> {{input type="password" class="form-control" value=config.accessKeySecret placeholder=(t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.accessKeySecret.placeholder") }} </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.instanceType.label"}} </label> {{input type="text" classNames="form-control" content=instanceTypes value=config.instanceType }} </div> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.systemImage.label"}} </label> {{input type="text" classNames="form-control" content=images optionValuePath="value" value=config.imageId }} </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.vswitchId.label"}} </label> {{input type="text" classNames="form-control" content=filteredVSwitches value=config.vswitchId prompt="nodeDriver.aliyunecs.vswitchId.prompt" localizedPrompt=true }} </div> <div class="col span-6"> <label class="acc-label"> {{t "nodeDriver.aliyunecs.securityGroup.label"}} </label> {{input type="text" classNames="form-control" content=securityGroups value=config.securityGroup prompt="nodeDriver.aliyunecs.securityGroup.prompt" localizedPrompt=true }} </div> </div> {{!-- This following contains the Name, Labels and Engine Options fields --}} <div class="over-hr"><span>{{templateOptionsTitle}}</span></div> {{form-name-description model=model nameRequired=true }} {{form-user-labels initialLabels=labelResource.labels setLabels=(action ‘setLabels‘) expandAll=expandAll expand=(action expandFn) }} {{form-engine-opts machine=model showEngineUrl=showEngineUrl }} {{/accordion-list}} {{!-- This component shows errors produced by validate() in the component --}} {{top-errors errors=errors}} {{!-- This component shows the Create and Cancel buttons --}} {{save-cancel save="save" cancel="cancel"}} </section>
然后构建,生成 dist/component.js 等文件。并上传到OSS中,提供外链下载。
npm run build npm start
5.1 添加主机驱动
在Rancher主机驱动,禁用自带的 Aliyun ECS 驱动,创建新的主机驱动:
# 下载URL http://wmqe-static-storage.oss-cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com/devops-it/rancher/machine-driver/docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs.zip # 自定义UI URL https://wmqe-static-storage.oss-cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com/devops-it/rancher/machine-driver/dist/component.js # 域名白名单 aliyuncs.com
5.2 添加主机模板
ALIYUNECS选项在 component.js 文件中直接设置了默认值,可修改
存储驱动:overlay2(默认为overlay,和我们docker daemon.json文件中定义的storage-opts参数有冲突)