



1 多路查找平衡树,树的深度比二叉树小。

2 每个阶段有N个元素,N+1个子节点。N个元素有序,子节点Pn的元素上下界介于K(n-1)和Kn之间。

3 每个节点包含的元素个数有边界要求,边界要求为阶的函数,阶为最大子节点数量。

4 当增、删结果导致节点元素个数不符合要求时,那么要进行维护,节点分裂、元素转移、指针转移等操作来维护B树结构。

5 B树操作时间复杂度为O(lgN)。主要用于外存储设备的操作,减少IO。


B树中的每个结点根据实际情况可以包含大量的关键字信息和分支,一般来说是对应一个磁盘块(当然是不能超过磁盘块的大小,根据磁盘驱动(disk drives)的不同,一般块的大小在1k~4k左右);这样树的深度降低了,这就意味着查找一个元素只要很少结点从外存磁盘中读入内存,很快访问到要查找的数据。




1 节点包含N个元素,N个子节点。非叶子节点本身不包含关键字具体信息,只包含索引信息。因此,同一个节点,B+树能够比B树存储更多索引信息,减少IO次数。非叶子节点的关键字大小是其孩子节点中最大的(或最小的)。

2 关键字信息要达到叶子节点才能取得到,因此每次查询的效率十分稳定,都是到叶子节点才能结束。叶子节点包含所有关键字信息,并且有序。

3 B+树对区间查询的支持更好,因为关键字全部存储在叶子节点中,并且有序,叶子节点连环船。区间查询的效果会因为节点分裂导致,所在的物理存储块不连续而变差,所以需要磁盘优化。

4 B+树比B 树更适合实际应用中操作系统的文件索引和数据库索引




    比如要查 5-10之间的,B+树一把到5这个标记,再一把到10,然后串起来就行了,B树就非常麻烦。B树的好处,就是成功查询特别有利,因为树的高度总体要比B+树矮。不成功的情况下,B树也比B+树稍稍占一点点便宜。

In addition, they also enable you to do range scans very efficiently, since the leaf nodes

in the tree are linked and represent an in-order list of all keys, avoiding more costly tree

traversals. That is one of the reasons why they are used for indexes in relational database


Log-Structured-Merge Tree(LSM Tree 概括的说写进数据的时辰 先写到内存中的数据布局中,再排序下,然后再批量merge到磁盘中)

1 当写读比例很大的时候,LSM树相比于B树有更好的性能。因为随着insert操作,为了维护B树结构,节点分裂。读磁盘的随机读写概率会变大,性能会逐渐减弱。而LSM,具有批量特性,存储延迟,C0为内存组件,Cn为磁盘组件(Cn可以有多个,并且是从小到大,逐个合并),当C0 size达到阀值时,才会把insert批量刷新到磁盘。多次单页随机写,变成一次多页随机写。复用了磁盘寻道时间,极大提升效率。(C0和Cn都是有序树,查询效率为logN)

The time to complete a  [read of a single page]  could be estimated to be about 20ms (assumes 10ms seek, 8.3ms rotational delay, 1.7ms read)  . . .  The time to perform a se-quential prefetch read [of 64 contiguous pages] could be estimated to be about 125ms (assumes10ms seek, 8.3ms rotational delay, 106.9ms read of 64 records [pages]), or about 2 ms per page."   Thus the ratio of 2 ms per page for multi-page block I/O to 20 ms for random I/O im-plies a ratio of rental costs for the disk arm, COSTπ/COSTP, equal to about 1/10.  An analysis ofa more recent SCSI-2 disk read of a 4 KByte page gives us a 9 ms seek, 5.5 ms rotational delay,and 1.2 ms read, totalling 16 ms.  Reading 64 contiguous 4 KByte pages requires a 9 ms seek,5.5 ms rotational delay, and 80 ms read for 64 pages, or a total of 95 ms, about 1.5 ms/page.Once again COSTπ/COSTP is again equal to about 1/10.

B+ trees work well until there are too many modifications, because they force you to perform costly optimizations to retain that advantage for a limited amount of time. The more and faster you add data at random locations, the faster the pages become fragmented again. Eventually, you may take in data at a higher rate than the optimization process takes to rewrite the existing files. The updates and deletes are done at disk seek(磁盘寻道) rates, rather thandisk transfer(磁盘传输) rates. LSM-trees work at disk transfer rates and scale much better to handle large amounts of data. They also guarantee a very consistent insert rate, as they transform random writes into sequential writes using the logfile plus in-memory store. The reads are in-dependent from the writes, so you also get no contention between these two operations.


