package xmemcache; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.Counter; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.GetsResponse; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClientBuilder; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClientBuilder; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.auth.AuthInfo; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.command.BinaryCommandFactory; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.exception.MemcachedException; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.transcoders.StringTranscoder; import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.utils.AddrUtil; /** * Description of this file. * * @author XiongNeng * @version 1.0 * @since 13-7-13 */ public class SimpleCache { private String addresses = ""; public void test1() throws IOException { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses)); // AddrUtil.getAddresses("server1:11211 server2:11211") // 宕机报警 builder.setFailureMode(true); // 使用二进制文件 builder.setCommandFactory(new BinaryCommandFactory()); /** * 设置连接池大小,即客户端个数 * In a high concurrent enviroment,you may want to pool memcached clients. * But a xmemcached client has to start a reactor thread and some thread pools, * if you create too many clients,the cost is very large. * Xmemcached supports connection pool instreadof client pool. * you can create more connections to one or more memcached servers, * and these connections share the same reactor and thread pools, * it will reduce the cost of system. * 默认的pool size是1。设置这一数值不一定能提高性能,请依据你的项目的测试结果为准。 * 初步的测试表明只有在大并发下才有提升。 * 设置连接池的一个不良后果就是,同一个memcached的连接之间的数据更新并非同步的 * 因此你的应用需要自己保证数据更新的原子性(采用CAS或者数据之间毫无关联)。 */ builder.setConnectionPoolSize(10); MemcachedClient client =; try { /** * 第一个是存储的key名称, * 第二个是expire时间(单位秒),超过这个时间,memcached将这个数据替换出去,0表示永久存储(默认是一个月) * 第三个参数就是实际存储的数据 */ client.set("hello", 0, "Hello,xmemcached"); String value = client.get("hello"); System.out.println("hello=" + value); client.delete("hello"); value = client.get("hello"); System.out.println("hello=" + value); // value=client.get(“hello”,3000); /** * Memcached是通过cas协议实现原子更新,所谓原子更新就是compare and set, * 原理类似乐观锁,每次请求存储某个数据同时要附带一个cas值, memcached比对这个cas值与当前存储数据的cas值是否相等, * 如果相等就让新的数据覆盖老的数据,如果不相等就认为更新失败, 这在并发环境下特别有用 */ GetsResponse<Integer> result = client.gets("a"); if (result == null) { client.add("a", 0, 12); } result = client.gets("a"); long cas = result.getCas(); // 尝试将a的值更新为2 if (!client.cas("a", 0, 2, cas)) { System.err.println("cas error"); } } catch (MemcachedException e) { System.err.println("MemcachedClient operation fail"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TimeoutException e) { System.err.println("MemcachedClient operation timeout"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } try { // close memcached client client.shutdown(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Shutdown MemcachedClient fail"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void test2() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, MemcachedException, IOException { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses)); MemcachedClient client =; client.flushAll(); if (!client.set("hello", 0, "world")) { System.err.println("set error"); } if (client.add("hello", 0, "dennis")) { System.err.println("Add error,key is existed"); } if (!client.replace("hello", 0, "dennis")) { System.err.println("replace error"); } client.append("hello", " good"); client.prepend("hello", "hello "); String name = client.get("hello", new StringTranscoder()); System.out.println(name); /** * 而删除数据则是通过deleteWithNoReply方法,这个方法删除数据并且告诉memcached * 不用返回应答,因此这个方法不会等待应答直接返回,特别适合于批量处理 */ client.deleteWithNoReply("hello"); } public void incrDecr() throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException, MemcachedException { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses)); MemcachedClient client =; /** * 第一个参数指定递增的key名称, 第二个参数指定递增的幅度大小, 第三个参数指定当key不存在的情况下的初始值。 * 两个参数的重载方法省略了第三个参数,默认指定为0。 */ assert (1 == client.incr("a", 5, 1)); assert (6 == client.incr("a", 5)); assert (10 == client.incr("a", 4)); assert (9 == client.decr("a", 1)); assert (7 == client.decr("a", 2)); } public void counter() throws Exception { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses)); MemcachedClient client =; Counter counter = client.getCounter("counter", 0); counter.incrementAndGet(); counter.decrementAndGet(); counter.addAndGet(-10); } public void auth() throws Exception { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses)); builder.addAuthInfo(AddrUtil.getOneAddress(addresses), AuthInfo.typical("cacheuser", "123456")); // Must use binary protocol builder.setCommandFactory(new BinaryCommandFactory()); MemcachedClient client =; } public void nioPool() throws Exception { MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder( AddrUtil.getAddresses("localhost:11211")); builder.setConnectionPoolSize(5); } }
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